Benefits of the kettlebell
Are you looking for bodybuilding equipment to train at home, without having to go to a gym? The aim of this article in our kettlebell buying guide is to compare the kettlebell to other types of bodybuilding equipment, such as […].

The different types of kettlebells
The aim of this article in our kettlebell buying guide is to help readers understand the different types of kettlebells available on the market and choose the one that best suits their needs. By following the advice given in this article, you’ll be able to choose […]

How to choose the right weight for your kettlebell?
The aim of this article in our k ettlebell buying guide is to help readers determine which kettlebell weight best suits their fitness level and goals. Let’s take a look at the different factors to consider when […]

Guide to kettlebell exercises
Ballistic kettlebell exercises (swing, clean, snatch, jerk…) are more dynamic and work on the generation and absorption of energy in a dynamic way, while grinds (press, turkish get-up…) train the body under controlled tension and […]

Kettlebell swing: the ultimate guide
Training with kettlebell is becoming increasingly popular, especially its signature move: the kettlebell swing. This dynamic and powerful kettlebell exercise is considered one of the best fitness exercises for […].

Mastering the kettlebell clean
The clean and jerk is a kettlebell exercise that involves lifting one or two kettlebells from the ground to the shoulder using the power of the hips. This exercise has been used for centuries to develop strength and endurance in combat sports, but it is also […]

Kettlebell clean and jerk: the king of exercise?
The kettlebell clean and jerk, also known as the long cycle in kettlebell sport (Girevoy Sport), is a weightlifting-type kettlebell exercise that involves lifting two kettlebells from the floor to a rack position on the shoulders (clean/shoulder), then […].

Kettlebell snatch : the complete guide
The snatch is a bodybuilding movement in which a kettlebell is lifted explosively from the ground to overhead in a single movement. This kettlebell exercise, very popular in kettlebell training, is considered one of the most […]

Kettlebell deadlift: basic exercise
The kettlebell deadlift is a kettlebell exercise that strengthens legs, back and gluteal muscles. This is a variation on the traditional deadlift, performed with a kettlebell. In this article, we’ll introduce you to the technique […]

All about the kettlebell squat
The kettlebell squat is a kettlebell exercise that offers numerous advantages for physical preparation. It can improve strength, stability, posture and mobility. The squat is a basic movement that recruits many of the body’s muscles, including […]

Mastering the kettlebell press
The kettlebell press, or kettlebell military press, is a kettlebell exercise that involves lifting a kettlebell overhead using shoulder, arm and abdominal strength. This is a versatile movement that can be used for […]

Kettlebell thruster: a complete workout
The kettlebell thruster is a kettlebell strength and conditioning exercise that combines a deep squat with an explosive overhead arm thrust. It’s a complex movement that involves several muscle groups and […]

Military training: kettlebell, the ultimate tool
Military training is a crucial element for armed forces personnel, as they are often exposed to extreme conditions in the field. Being physically prepared is essential to ensure the safety and success of missions. In this article, we […]

MMA physical preparation with kettlebell
MMA, or mixed martial arts, is an extremely demanding combat sport that combines several disciplines such as boxing, kickboxing, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, wrestling and muay-thai. MMA fighters need to be in optimum physical condition to […]

GPP running: complete guide with kettlebell
When we think of running, we often think of the need for good endurance and running technique. However, to improve your running performance, it’s also important to work on strengthening your muscles and […]

Bodybuilding: building mass with kettlebells
Gaining muscle mass is a key objective for many bodybuilding and fitness enthusiasts. The choice of tools is vast: dumbbells, barbells, etc. In this article, we’ll try to explain why it’s possible to […]

Kettlebell WOD: the CrossFit kettlebell guide
How can you integrate kettlebell WODs into your CrossFit programming? CrossFit is a sport created in 2000 in the United States by Greg Glassman. It’s a multi-disciplinary sport practice, similar to a training-type methodology […]

All you need to know about kettlebell sport
Kettlebell sport, kettlebell lifting or girevoy is a kettlebell training method. This is the official sport of the kettlebell, which originated in Russia. As the name suggests, it’s done with the kettlebell, or girya, which is a round cast-iron weight with a […]

Kettlebell exercises for women
Due to lack of time or because you don’t feel comfortable, you may not be able to go to a gym regularly to follow a traditional weight training program. The main advantage of the kettlebell is that it allows you to carry out your workouts […]

Soccer fitness training with kettlebell
Football is a demanding sport, requiring optimal physical condition to perform at the highest level. Soccer players need to be able to run fast, change direction quickly, jump high and hit hard, while maintaining stamina […]

Tennis conditioning with kettlebell
Physical preparation for tennis is crucial, as the sport requires a unique combination of physical qualities. Players need to be able to run around the court for long periods, react instantly to fast balls, hit with […]

Handball physical preparation with kettlebell
Handball is a dynamic and demanding team sport requiring a wide range of physical qualities such as strength, speed, agility and endurance. To reach their full potential in competition, handball players need to train rigorously and […]

Rugby physical preparation with kettlebell
Rugby physical preparation is a key element for any player wishing to perform at his or her best. Rugby is a demanding sport, requiring a combination of strength, endurance, speed and agility. For this reason, rugby players devote a great deal of […]

Basketball fitness training with kettlebell
Basketball is an intense and demanding sport which requires rigorous physical preparation to be played at a high level. Physical preparation is a key element for any basketball player wishing to improve performance and avoid injury. Preparation […]

Strengthening muscles for skiing with a kettlebell
Downhill skiing involves the whole body and requires good physical condition. The muscles of the legs, arms, back and trunk are all involved in skiing movements. Adequate physical preparation can help strengthen these muscles, […]

Kettlebell abs exercises: the complete guide
The abdominal girdle is composed of the following main muscles: rectus abdominis, internal oblique, external oblique, transverse and serratus. These muscle groups play a number of roles, including trunk mobility and force transfer, as well as protecting the […]

Kettlebell HIIT: lose weight with the kettlebell
HIIT kettlebell training is a type of high-intensity kettlebell training that can be used for athlete preparation or weight loss. Its specificity is to mix a very intense cardio work with bodybuilding exercises. The HIIT style […]